Bulletproof Coffee IF Challenge: Day #16

Day #16

Coffee: Official Bulletproof coffee (whole bean) (2.5tsp ground coffee)

Butter: Kerrygold Butter Salted (3.5 Tbsp)

Oils: Living Foods Extra Virgin Raw Coconut Oil (2Tbsp) + MCT Oil (2 Tbsp)

Lunch: 4 scrambled eggs with kale, red pepper, and feta cheese.

Dinner: Grass-fed beef + stemmed kale with feta + one whole avocado

Variants: homemade dark chocolate samples

Comments: Just realized I am consuming 90 grams of fat in my daily coffee! I love it. Adding more L-Glutamine to my diet in the mornings and immediately after ending my IF, which is prior to exercising in the middle of the day on my lunch break. Tomorrow, I am excited to obtain my free biometrics at work. My  previous metrics prior to the current BFC (bulletproof coffee challenge) are listed below.


Total Cholesterol: 152

HDL: 55

TC/HDL Ratio: 2.8

Glucose (non-fasting): 91

Blood Pressure: Systolic BP(128)/Diastolic BP (76)

Resting Heart Rate: 67

2 thoughts on “Bulletproof Coffee IF Challenge: Day #16

  1. So, question. On your coffee, are you just taking the whole pot and mixing it with that much coconut oil and MCT oil? I have NOT been able to find MCT Oil even at Whole Foods here in Portland. I know Coconut oil isn’t the same, but I’m adding it for the oils. (Waiting for the backlash!)

    • Good question. I am mixing everything at once in the french press. I think it is important to add the grounds first before adding water. I then add the butter/ghee and allow it to melt and permeate the grounds. Next, I add the MCT Oil and coconut oil. Lastly, blend to a froth. MCT Oil is hard to find in your typical brick & mortar stores. I have seen it in Wholefoods in Phoenix, but it was located where you would likely never look (would recommend asking someone to confirm). You can probably also find it at a vitamin shop or natural health food store. I would not recommend as much oil/butter as I was experimenting with if you want to try it. I would ease into it, unless your body is already tolerant of a high fat diet. I think it can have some adverse affects depending on certain predispositions. Just my advice, speaking from first-hand experience. I have no medical licenses or qualifications, just interested in hacking a shortcut to perfection.

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