The Best Protein Supplement (in the world?)

My goal might seem like a lofty one, but I am on a lifelong quest to find the best protein supplement on the market and share it with you. In the beginning of my journey, I was swayed primarily by price. As time progressed, I started to do more research and look more closely at what I was putting in my body. I am now at the point where I am running out of options. So if you’re looking for  a protein supplement I have a few recommendations:

#1 The first ingredient should be protein. Put the product back on the shelf if the first ingredient is sugar or something else.

#2 Choose whey protein isolate vs. whey concentrate. If you have any lactose intolerance avoid concentrate. Isolate absorbs faster in the body. You also get more bang for your buck with isolate.

#3 Keep it simple. The less ingredients the better.

#4 Avoid sugar if possible. Look for healthy alternatives like Stevia or Xylitol. Beware of sucralose (splenda). Its in a lot of supplements.

#5 Avoid natural flavors. What are natural flavors?  Have you ever heard of castoreum? It is a combination of secretions from the castor sacs (between the pelvis and base of the tail), anal glands, and urine of beavers. It is typically used for vanilla, strawberry, and raspberry flavoring.

#6 Avoid Dutch/Alkali chocolate. This is chocolate that has been alkalized with salts to reduce bitterness. This is done to mask low quality, cheap, and/or overroasted chocolate (cacao). It destroys natural healthy antioxidants (flavonoids). Just use a scoop of alkali-free cocoa powder for flavor.

#7 Choose GMO-free, hormone, and antibiotic free. If your goal is to just bulk-up without any regard towards health/nutrition by all means please choose GMO, hormone, and antibiotic rich supplements. The milk industry started using antibiotics on cows because it increased body mass at an early age in calves.

#8 Choose grass-fed whey protein. Keep in mind there is no official certification for grass-fed labeling/marketing. Pasture time is not a requirement for organic certification. The choice is yours to decide. Do you want your protein originating from corn fed cows or grass fed cows?

#9 Be skeptical. Is this company reputable? Contact them and ask them questions. Look for online reviews.

# Research. Check out Lab Door to start your journey.



Biohacking your gut

All diseases start in the gut.


Are you what you eat? Or are you what your bacteria eat? I plan on researching this topic first-hand by hacking my own microbiome. I plan on first developing a baseline to measure how different diets (Bulletproof, Lean Gains, Warrior Diet, Paleo, etc) affect the flora of the gut. According, to a study published in Nature the change can occur within only a few days vs. a prolonged period. Thats great news for us fellow hackers who are always looking for a shortcut to perfection in all areas of life.

There are currently two companies offering services to analyze your microbiome: American Gut – The Human Microbiome Project and uBiome.

I decided to use uBiome’s services to analyze my gut flora. The test is under $100 dollars and includes shipping.

….more to follow when the results are in.


update 8-7-14: still waiting on samples

I have decided to reach out to companies selling probiotics and/or fermented foods to find a sponsor. If you are interested in participating please contact me.

Have you hacked your skin yet?

Is that expensive cream with ingredients you can’t pronounce doing anything for your skin? Do you feel better after using it? Are you confident in how safe it is for your body? Have you unknowingly been ignoring the largest organ of the body? If you are, it would probably safe to assume you have dry skin which is largely due to diet (aka lack of healthy fats).

My personal advice would be to stick with the basics: coconut oil, MCT oil (good, but expensive), and cocoa butter. I recommend purchasing expeller pressed coconut oil and mixing it with a little deodorized cocoa butter to retain moisture longer.

And remember to spend a little extra on these products because they are vital to you rocking your mission…

What have I been up to lately?

I have been absent for awhile due to starting my own company called Newfangled Labs. We are currently manufacturing bean-to-bar chocolate in Phoenix, AZ. We are also in the process of searching for a location in downtown Phoenix for our tasting room…..the brazen cellar. Once we obtain all local and federal permits we will be crafting local mead, cider, and sake. Stay tuned….

30 Day Bulletproof/Leangains Challenge Results: My thoughts, ideas, and advice

Where do I start? First off, I think I have some valuable information and first hand perspective to share when it comes to practicing the Bulletproof diet and Leangains protocols. I think the first and foremost item to consider before fully jumping in and biohacking yourself is to take an  honest look at where you are with your health and lifestyle. Are you already healthy? Do you have any unresolved/underlying health issues that have not been addressed or that you might be silently ignoring? Scheduled a visit to see your doctor. Have a candid discussion about your goals/plan. Tell your doctor you want to find out where you stand in regards to your health. You need to obtain an informative baseline to measure and compare your progress/decline. There are hundreds of tests you can obtain to ascertain your metrics. I suggest you start with the basics for example: cholesterol, general health panel, allergies, and hormones. I was surprised to find that almost all of these tests were covered 100% under my health insurance as preventative services.  Secondly, you need to be able to answer the “why?” You need to have a strong reason behind why you want to biohack yourself and what you want to achieve. If you cannot formulate or ascribe to a rock solid answer you will likely give up or loose interest all too soon. Developing a strong “why” will help motivate you to achieve your goals.

I caution that before you embark on the biohacking bandwagon you need all the facts to make a fully informed and calculated decision. Now that we have the preliminary basics covered, the next item to consider is research. We are all too often blinded and easily wooed when we only have one side of the picture when we do not practice due diligence. The biggest mistake or sin you can make in life is to let someone think for you. I agree that we should listen to specialists, but we should not leave reason at the door. Take the time and double check references and studies. In regards, to the Bulletproof diet/Leangains there is an overwhelming surplus of information, often very motivating/inspirational,  that boasts amazing results and benefits. If you dig deep enough you can find the stuff that is hidden under the rug.

Now for what you have been waiting for, the results. I was not surprised when I discovered I had high cholesterol. Based on endless hours of research, I knew it was going to jack up my cholesterol and toss some curve balls, while I waited for my body to adapt to my new diet/experiment. My total cholesterol nearly doubled in 30 days! Would you be comfortable with this cold-hearted fact? Your cholesterol is going to fluctuate, so you need to be comfortable with not having the best numbers. What did surprise me was my bad cholesterol or LDL was moderately high. With experimentation it is very important and hard to control for variables to be able to determine cause and effect. I have a few ideas on what might have caused the elevation in LDL, but its all heresy and based on information after the fact.

The next topic of discussion, physical appearance/vanity, is the primary reason why most people are experimenting with Bulletproof/Leangains . I lost a little bit of weight, but I must confess I do not own a scale, so I am just going by random measurements every now and then. The most striking result of this experiment is the stark visible decrease in body fat. Prior to the experiment, I always had low body fat, but nowhere near  what I see when I look in a mirror now. I have a defined six/eight pack. I see the outline of muscles I have never seen before. When I look in the mirror its slightly eerie, as if it wasn’t my body (my mind still has not put two and two together yet).

The third topic that warrants discussion is strength/performance. I have noticed gains, but it is hard to state for fact the root cause. During the experiment, in the process I became more cognizant of my mobility. I put more emphasis on proper mechanics with every exercise and movement. This I am sure plays a large part in building strength. Endurance has also increased inside and outside the gym. I went from lifting heavy weights sometimes as much as five times a week to only three. On my two off days during the week I either stretch with a roller/ball/etc or practice yoga. The maximum time I spend at the gym is 35 minutes a day. I got the gym on a consistent basis during my lunch break Monday – Friday.

The fourth area of discussion is cognition/mood. I have noticed significant gains in clarity and less brain fog on a high fat diet. I seem to receive the greatest benefits with the least adverse affects when I consume only MCT oil in my morning beverage. I started my experiment utilizing coffee and ended it using tea/yerba mate. I like the idea of drinking coffee, but it just doesn’t work the best for me. In the end, I have cut out the butter and regular coconut oil. I learned through trail and error the source of my heart palpitations (or bleeding heart chakra) stemmed from ingesting butter. It didn’t matter if it was Ghee or regular butter. I even tried it with caffeinated and non-caffeinated beverages. As a side note, I noticed when I drank coffee loaded with MCT oil/coconut oil/butter I often reacted more aggressively and took things more personally (maybe its just because I’m a perfectionist). Cutting back on the fat has helped with the aggression. Also it should be noted, that prior to the experiment I exhibited “hangry” attributes when I went for long periods without food.

The last point I want to talk about is adrenal fatigue. I could not pinpoint why I was waking up early in the mornings wide awake, unable to fall back asleep. I noticed a correlation with high blood pressure in the mornings and lower numbers as the day progressed. When I was consuming large quantities of coffee/fats I consumed more water than usual. I drank about double the amount I typically consumed. I believe I lost a good amount of salt in the process, helping to fatigue my adrenals due to lack of salt replenishment. My solution involved purchasing herbal pills that were tailored to mitigate the effects of stress on the body. I also increased my Vitamin C intake. The first night I slept like a baby for the first time in weeks. To decrease/mitigate adrenal fatigue I have started to brake my fasts on non lifting days. I will eat a light breakfast in order to give my body a rest.

In conclusion my takeaway is to instill caution and introspection before hacking yourself via Bulletproof/Leangains. Know what you are getting yourself into. Make a calculated decision before casually hacking your body. I am continuing to fast on my heavy lifting days and I use a small amount of MCT oil in my morning beverage of choice. Good luck.

Purity Farms Ghee

Oregon Tilth Certified Organic

Grass Fed

Clarified Butter

Ingredients: 100% clarified butter from cows

Location: Wisconsin

Elevation: 1,050 ft (mean elevation for state)

Storage: No need to refrigerate

Packaging: Glass jar with plastic lid

Taste/Aroma: Notes of caramel or burnt brown sugar

Availability: Varies. Whole Foods.

Hacker worthy? Yes. It is clarified which means it contains no milk fats or lactose. It still has all the positive benefits: CLA’s, omega-3s, Vitamin A, and etc. Note it is higher in total fat/saturated fat, but cholesterol remains the same when compared to un-clarified butter.  It pairs perfectly with tea.


Leangains/Bulletproof Coffee Challenge: Day #23/24

Day #23/24

Coffee: Cartel Coffee: Atitlan Small Producers – Guatemala (fully washed) Elevation: 1560-2000m (whole bean) (2.5Tbsp ground coffee)

Butter: None

Oils: None

Lunch: Chicken + 1/2 red quinoa + spinach

Dinner: ground beef spaghetti squash casserole + 1/2 sweet potato+ stick of mozzarella cheese

Snack: Cherries/blueberries

Dessert: Greek Yogurt (1cup)

Supplements: L-glutamine (breakfast) + BCAAs (pre-workout) + 1 protein shake (post-work)

Exercise: Arms (weighted pullups) – Thursday 35mins

Chest – Bench Press – Friday 35mins

Comments: Have cut the fat out of my coffee in the mornings so far on all three lift days this week. Not sure if I am imagining things, but my mind still seems sharper and more agile on days I put fat in my coffee. Hard to pull a rest days since I am accustomed to hitting  the gym 4-5 days a week on my lunch break. Yoga seems to be the perfect activity to increase blood flow and tone/stretch the muscles. Body is still completely exhausted after lifting days. Having a little difficulty scarfing down 7.5 oz of chicken for my first meal of the day.

Found what appears to be a good source of BCAAs at Nutra Bio. It’s not organic (don’t think a source exists), but however it is GMO free which eliminates the majority of my woes.

In regards to Whey protein I am still on the fence about what form (concentrate/isolate) is the best and if there are truly any scientific benefits from a grass-fed source. I know its a better ethical/humane choice, but I think the majority of the benefits are lost in the processing.

Lastly, scheduled a Lipid panel and general lab panel for next week. I was surprised these test are 100% insured under my insurance. They are listed under preventative services. I might also have to get a free EKG test, while I am at it. More to come next week on the results.

Leangains/Bulletproof Coffee Challenge: Day #21

Day #21

Coffee: Official Bulletproof coffee (whole bean) (2.3Tbsp ground coffee)

Butter: None

Oils: None

Lunch: 4 scrambled eggs with feta cheese + olives + 1/2 cup cooked red quinoa

Dinner: ground beef spaghetti squash casserole + 1/2 sweet potato+ stick of mozzarella cheese

Supplements: L-glutamine (breakfast) + BCAAs (pre-workout) + 2 protein shakes (post-work and pre-sleep)

Exercise: Squats 40mins

Variants: homemade dark chocolate

Comments: Decided to modify my 30 day challenge and implement Leangain protocols to the experiment. In regards to Bulletproof coffee, I will still partake, but only on rest days (low-fat days). Bulletproof coffee is great, but it seems more applicable to the majority of Americans who don’t have time to hit the gym. If you do have time, you probably won’t receive the same benefits you could due to too much fats in the body at all times. So today was the first true fast day and I noticed a difference at the gym. The BCAA’s make a big difference when fasting. I have taken them in the past and have noticed slight improvements. Its kind of like speed or caffeine. Just make sure you do you research and find a reputable company and buy the pure pharmaceutical grade stuff. I looked all around town and could not find anything worthwhile. Everything has soy lecithin in it. No thanks Monsanto. I narrowed down a few online companies, and will post links when I secure a reputable source of BCAA’s. Entire body was totally exhausted after squat workout today. I think I understand why Leangains recommends only heavy lifting 3 days a week with amble rest days. It is more taxing on your body when you are working out fasted vs. non-fasted. Now, the next big step is figuring out my Leangain macros. No easy task. More coming on that soon.

Bulletproof Coffee IF Challenge: Day #17

Day #17

Coffee: Official Bulletproof coffee (whole bean) (2.5tsp ground coffee)

Butter: President Non Salted (3.0 Tbsp)

Oils: Living Foods Extra Virgin Raw Coconut Oil (2Tbsp) + MCT Oil (2 Tbsp)

Lunch: 4 scrambled eggs with kale, red pepper, and feta cheese + sriracha sauce

Dinner: seaweed tuna wrap + sweet potato + one whole avocado

Variants: homemade dark chocolate samples + 1 Magic Hat #9 beer + blueberries (pre-workout snack) + L-glutamine

Comments: Today was a game changer. Headache this morning that lasted throughout the day. Hard trying to get all my BFC down the hatch. The time of my biometric screening occurred at noon while still intermittent fasting. My total cholesterol rose which did not surprise me, and my HDL only increased a few points. My cholesterol ratio doubled. Blood pressure is the chief concern. I have never had high blood pressure. Double checked again that night at the grocery store and found it was quite a bit lower and in the green zone. So this leaves a lot of unanswered questions and sheds light on a few things. The bleeding heat chakra sensation, might actually be heart palpitations. I believe my heart might be under strain with the high amounts of cholesterol/fat quickly introduced into my diet. Could I be eating too much cholesterol from eggs and butter? Would the results be different if I would have slowly introduced high fats into my diet? Or could it be due to the increase in sodium intake? Prior to BP experimentation my sodium intake was very low/nill. Maybe salted butter in my morning coffee was not the best idea. Could your  typical unhealthy American survive this diet? Would they have an increased risk of having an user induced heart attack? I think there are health concerns here that are not being fully addressed. More information needs to be brought to the table. I might have to dedicate an entire page to address each concern. More to follow soon.


Total Cholesterol: 239

HDL: 58

TC/HDL Ratio: 4.1

Glucose (non-fasting): 64

Blood Pressure:

Left Arm: Systolic BP(154)/Diastolic BP (90)

Right Arm: Systolic BP(153)/Diastolic BP (86)

Resting Heart Rate:65

Bulletproof Coffee IF Challenge: Day #16

Day #16

Coffee: Official Bulletproof coffee (whole bean) (2.5tsp ground coffee)

Butter: Kerrygold Butter Salted (3.5 Tbsp)

Oils: Living Foods Extra Virgin Raw Coconut Oil (2Tbsp) + MCT Oil (2 Tbsp)

Lunch: 4 scrambled eggs with kale, red pepper, and feta cheese.

Dinner: Grass-fed beef + stemmed kale with feta + one whole avocado

Variants: homemade dark chocolate samples

Comments: Just realized I am consuming 90 grams of fat in my daily coffee! I love it. Adding more L-Glutamine to my diet in the mornings and immediately after ending my IF, which is prior to exercising in the middle of the day on my lunch break. Tomorrow, I am excited to obtain my free biometrics at work. My  previous metrics prior to the current BFC (bulletproof coffee challenge) are listed below.


Total Cholesterol: 152

HDL: 55

TC/HDL Ratio: 2.8

Glucose (non-fasting): 91

Blood Pressure: Systolic BP(128)/Diastolic BP (76)

Resting Heart Rate: 67