Bulletproof Coffee IF Challenge: Day #17

Day #17

Coffee: Official Bulletproof coffee (whole bean) (2.5tsp ground coffee)

Butter: President Non Salted (3.0 Tbsp)

Oils: Living Foods Extra Virgin Raw Coconut Oil (2Tbsp) + MCT Oil (2 Tbsp)

Lunch: 4 scrambled eggs with kale, red pepper, and feta cheese + sriracha sauce

Dinner: seaweed tuna wrap + sweet potato + one whole avocado

Variants: homemade dark chocolate samples + 1 Magic Hat #9 beer + blueberries (pre-workout snack) + L-glutamine

Comments: Today was a game changer. Headache this morning that lasted throughout the day. Hard trying to get all my BFC down the hatch. The time of my biometric screening occurred at noon while still intermittent fasting. My total cholesterol rose which did not surprise me, and my HDL only increased a few points. My cholesterol ratio doubled. Blood pressure is the chief concern. I have never had high blood pressure. Double checked again that night at the grocery store and found it was quite a bit lower and in the green zone. So this leaves a lot of unanswered questions and sheds light on a few things. The bleeding heat chakra sensation, might actually be heart palpitations. I believe my heart might be under strain with the high amounts of cholesterol/fat quickly introduced into my diet. Could I be eating too much cholesterol from eggs and butter? Would the results be different if I would have slowly introduced high fats into my diet? Or could it be due to the increase in sodium intake? Prior to BP experimentation my sodium intake was very low/nill. Maybe salted butter in my morning coffee was not the best idea. Could your  typical unhealthy American survive this diet? Would they have an increased risk of having an user induced heart attack? I think there are health concerns here that are not being fully addressed. More information needs to be brought to the table. I might have to dedicate an entire page to address each concern. More to follow soon.


Total Cholesterol: 239

HDL: 58

TC/HDL Ratio: 4.1

Glucose (non-fasting): 64

Blood Pressure:

Left Arm: Systolic BP(154)/Diastolic BP (90)

Right Arm: Systolic BP(153)/Diastolic BP (86)

Resting Heart Rate:65

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