Leangains/Bulletproof Coffee Challenge: Day #23/24

Day #23/24

Coffee: Cartel Coffee: Atitlan Small Producers – Guatemala (fully washed) Elevation: 1560-2000m (whole bean) (2.5Tbsp ground coffee)

Butter: None

Oils: None

Lunch: Chicken + 1/2 red quinoa + spinach

Dinner: ground beef spaghetti squash casserole + 1/2 sweet potato+ stick of mozzarella cheese

Snack: Cherries/blueberries

Dessert: Greek Yogurt (1cup)

Supplements: L-glutamine (breakfast) + BCAAs (pre-workout) + 1 protein shake (post-work)

Exercise: Arms (weighted pullups) – Thursday 35mins

Chest – Bench Press – Friday 35mins

Comments: Have cut the fat out of my coffee in the mornings so far on all three lift days this week. Not sure if I am imagining things, but my mind still seems sharper and more agile on days I put fat in my coffee. Hard to pull a rest days since I am accustomed to hitting  the gym 4-5 days a week on my lunch break. Yoga seems to be the perfect activity to increase blood flow and tone/stretch the muscles. Body is still completely exhausted after lifting days. Having a little difficulty scarfing down 7.5 oz of chicken for my first meal of the day.

Found what appears to be a good source of BCAAs at Nutra Bio. It’s not organic (don’t think a source exists), but however it is GMO free which eliminates the majority of my woes.

In regards to Whey protein I am still on the fence about what form (concentrate/isolate) is the best and if there are truly any scientific benefits from a grass-fed source. I know its a better ethical/humane choice, but I think the majority of the benefits are lost in the processing.

Lastly, scheduled a Lipid panel and general lab panel for next week. I was surprised these test are 100% insured under my insurance. They are listed under preventative services. I might also have to get a free EKG test, while I am at it. More to come next week on the results.

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