Purity Farms Ghee

Oregon Tilth Certified Organic

Grass Fed

Clarified Butter

Ingredients: 100% clarified butter from cows

Location: Wisconsin

Elevation: 1,050 ft (mean elevation for state)

Storage: No need to refrigerate

Packaging: Glass jar with plastic lid

Taste/Aroma: Notes of caramel or burnt brown sugar

Availability: Varies. Whole Foods.

Hacker worthy? Yes. It is clarified which means it contains no milk fats or lactose. It still has all the positive benefits: CLA’s, omega-3s, Vitamin A, and etc. Note it is higher in total fat/saturated fat, but cholesterol remains the same when compared to un-clarified butter.  It pairs perfectly with tea.


2 thoughts on “Purity Farms Ghee

  1. Glad to see this post and find your site! I have been using this to bulletproof my coffee since I started doing so about 3 weeks ago now. The label doesn’t specifically state that butter is grass fed, so I was happy to see this post and confirm my suspicions. My trainer specifically told me to use ghee and this was the only kind available at Whole Foods here in MN. What led you to try it with tea? What kind of tea did you try it with? In addition to the bulletproof coffee I am also incorporating IF. My trainer wants me to extend my fast until post workout, so it would be nice to have another option besides additional cups of coffee throughout the day. The upgraded bulletproof coffee tastes great but is not entirely cost prohibitive.

    • I had adverse reactions to bulletproof coffee, so I decided to limit my caffeine intake by switching to green tea/herbal tea. It has made a world of difference. I still have plenty of energy with amazing taste, minus the heart palpitations. Tea is considerably cheaper, and you can afford to buy the good stuff that is GMO free and organic. Speaking from personal experience, fasting through your workout leads to bigger/better gains. I would recommend BCAAs/L-glutamine prior so you do not break down muscle.

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