Biohacking your gut

All diseases start in the gut.


Are you what you eat? Or are you what your bacteria eat? I plan on researching this topic first-hand by hacking my own microbiome. I plan on first developing a baseline to measure how different diets (Bulletproof, Lean Gains, Warrior Diet, Paleo, etc) affect the flora of the gut. According, to a study published in Nature the change can occur within only a few days vs. a prolonged period. Thats great news for us fellow hackers who are always looking for a shortcut to perfection in all areas of life.

There are currently two companies offering services to analyze your microbiome: American Gut – The Human Microbiome Project and uBiome.

I decided to use uBiome’s services to analyze my gut flora. The test is under $100 dollars and includes shipping.

….more to follow when the results are in.


update 8-7-14: still waiting on samples

I have decided to reach out to companies selling probiotics and/or fermented foods to find a sponsor. If you are interested in participating please contact me.