Mobility Wod

Want to take your workout to the next level? Have you just been running through the motions, not really paying attention to your form or technique? Have you just been operating on second hand advice from family, friends, or the internet? I hate to tell you this, but  I am afraid a lot of us are doing more harm than good when it comes to exercise. The best advice I can give you is to work with a personal trainer, but if you strapped for cash and time, rest assured you do have an online option. A pioneer by the name of Kelly Starrett has an impressive website called Mobility Wad that can help rewire and reprogram your most basic movements to help reach your maximum potential.

GMO Free Bacon Grease?

I  like to cook with bacon grease sometimes to flavor foods. However, I just realized I have not always been purchasing organic, nitrate free, antibiotic free, hormone free, vegetarian fed, or GMO free bacon. Think twice next time before you pull out that jar from under the sink. Why ruin that expensive organic produce and grass-fed beef? How much do you think a jar of pure filtered pristine GMO free bacon grease might go for on the open market? We might see it sooner than you think at your local health food store.

Live Superfoods Raw Organic Cacao Powder



USDA Organic

Gluten Free


Source: Ecuador

Bean: Arriba Bean


Cost: $15.99/lb

Hacker worthy? No mention of GMO’s.  However, its better than anything your going to find in your typically grocery store. Available for purchase online only.


Organic Valley Pasture Butter

USDA Organic

Grass Fed (note these cows only feed on grass May through September)

Ingredients: Pasteurized Organic Sweet Cream (Milk), Salt, Microbial Cultures.

Taste: Creamy out of this world taste that tantalizes the taste-buds

Comments: The product does not mention anything on the label about being GMO free. Digging deeper we find that they do not “willingly” or “intentionally” use GMOs. We should also question the cows diet when they are not grazing on grass in the off months. Per Organic Valley’s website: “All animals receive 100% organic feed. All cows get a mixture of organic forages and organic grains in their diet. Forages are grass, hay, silage, baylage and other “green feeds”. Hay is simply dried plant material like grass and alfalfa. Silage and baylage are fermented or “wet” plant material. Grains include corn, barley, soybeans, oats, field peas and flax.” Also, note the product does contain sodium.

Where can I find this product? Availability will vary, but I have seen it in Whole Foods and New Frontiers Natural Marketplace.

Hacker worthy? It’s a step above the rest. I would like to see a sodium-free version. Also, they could do better than 42% grass-fed per year.

Pasture Butter, 8 oz

Living Foods Extra Virgin Raw Coconut Oil

100% USDA Organic

Cold- Pressed




Gluten Free

Dairy Free

Origin: Philippines

Container: Clear Glass

Comments: One of the few if any oils that shows the MCT (Medium Chain Fatty Acids) ratios per serving. Note when reading labels: many of the coconut oils with large corporate names are typically made in the same facility that is shared with a lot of stuff you don’t want in your oil (ex. peanuts, dairy, wheat, etc). Also, steer away from plastic containers because you don’t know if BPA is in the plastic.

Biohack worthy? True.

Company Website


Medium Chain Fatty Acids

30 Day Bulletproof Coffee Challenge

You are probably thinking what is bulletproof coffee and why should I care. You should care because it has the potential to change your life. Everyone wants quick results with little pain and the least amount of effort. If you stumbled upon this you are in luck, because bulletproof coffee is one piece of the puzzle that can help you reach your full-potential. Why spend so much energy on counting calories? The quickest results seem to be achieved through intermittent fasting. Sounds painful, right? True you don’t eat anything solid or substantial in the morning, but you do get to indulge in a super sexy cup of coffee spiked with healthy fats. When is the last time your body has felt a high off of butter? Throw out the margarine (its poison) and start looking for real butter that your grandparents used to eat. The good stuff is made from real cows that live outside and eat real grass. It’s hard to find. The best available sources can be readily found in holistic grocery stores from either goats or cows. Why grass? Because ruminant animals that feed on grass produce high levels of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA). Another key component of bulletproof coffee, is coconut oil. Look for organic, gluten-free, GMO free, raw, cold-pressed, etc coconut oil. You can find this stuff just about anywhere, but spend a few extra dollars on the good stuff. The third key ingredient is MCT Oil which is essentially an extracted super-concentration of triglycerides extracted from coconut oil. Sources of MCT Oil are few and far between and will likely require an online purchase. The last ingredient is the second most valuable commodity in the world: coffee. Not all coffee is created equal, a lot of it tastes horrible and is not as good for your body as it could be. Lots of research and money has been spent on find the best ways to harvest and process coffee to bring it to you in its most pure and pristine condition. There are a number of items to contemplate when choosing the best beans to make bulletproof coffee. And did you know caffeine boosts the effectiveness of CLAs in the body?

If you want to learn more in-depth information about bulletproof coffee and its origin, I suggest you check out Dave Asprey’s website:  The Bulletproof Executive – The State of High Performance.

Bulletproof Coffee Parameters:

Coffee ratio to water: 2.5Tbsps = 2.5 cups

Brewing method: French Press

Blending method: Oster 2-Speed Hand Blender 250 W

Day #1

Coffee: Starbucks Dark Sumatra (pre ground)

Butter: Organic Valley Pasture Butter Cultured Lightly Salted (2Tbsp)

Oil: Living Foods Extra Virgin Raw Coconut Oil (1Tbsp)

Comments: Hungry after a few hours

Day #2

Coffee: Starbucks Dark Sumatra (pre ground)

Butter: Organic Valley Pasture Butter Cultured Lightly Salted (2Tbsp)

Oil: Living Foods Extra Virgin Raw Coconut Oil (1.5Tbsp)

Comments: Still hungry after a few hours

Day #3 

Coffee: Starbucks Dark Sumatra (pre ground)

Butter: Organic Valley Pasture Butter Cultured Lightly Salted (2Tbsp)

Oil: Living Foods Extra Virgin Raw Coconut Oil (2Tbsp)

Comments: Begin to notice taste sensitivity. Alcohol has a stronger effect on me than usual.

Day #4

Coffee: High Desert Roasters Organic Rainforest Whole Beans (whole bean)

Butter: Organic Valley Pasture Butter Cultured Lightly Salted (2.5 Tbsp)

Oil: Living Foods Extra Virgin Raw Coconut Oil (2Tbsp)

Comments: Heart beating abnormally fast.

Day #5

Coffee: High Desert Roasters Organic Rainforest Whole Beans (whole bean)

Butter: Organic Valley Pasture Butter Cultured Lightly Salted (2.5 Tbsp)

Oil: Living Foods Extra Virgin Raw Coconut Oil (2Tbsp)

Comments: Taste sensitivity increasing. Not full after eating lunch.

Day #6

Coffee: Official Bulletproof coffee (whole bean)

Butter: Kerrygold Butter Non-Salted (2.5 Tbsp)

Oil: Living Foods Extra Virgin Raw Coconut Oil (2Tbsp)

Comments: Very frothy. Amazing clean buzz. Literally. Music seemed more vibrant. Bikram Yoga on bulletproof coffee was intense.

Day #7

Coffee: Official Bulletproof coffee (whole bean)

Butter: Organic Valley Pasture Butter Cultured Lightly Salted (2.5 Tbsp)

Oil: Living Foods Extra Virgin Raw Coconut Oil (2Tbsp)

Comments: Only slept about 5 hours last night. Coffee was not amazing as yesterday, but I could go for another pot. Still tired after drinking the normal amount.

Day #8

Coffee: Official Bulletproof coffee (whole bean)

Butter: Kerrygold Butter Non-Salted (2.5 Tbsp)

Oil: Living Foods Extra Virgin Raw Coconut Oil (2Tbsp)

Comments: Noticed the lack of salt in my coffee. I think I prefer the Organic Valley in regards to brands I have tried thus far. Hungry earlier than usual. Noticed my heart beating faster than usual again. And not to be all new agey, but I did feel an increased sensitivity in my heart chakra. Just received MCT oil in the mail tonight from Tomorrow is going to be an official “bulletproof day.”

Day #9

Coffee: Official Bulletproof coffee (whole bean)

Butter: Organic Valley Pasture Butter Cultured Lightly Salted (3 Tbsp)

Oil: Living Foods Extra Virgin Raw Coconut Oil (2Tbsp) + MCT Oil (1 Tbsp)

Comments: Bleeding heart chakra again. Noticed I am drinking more water throughout the day. Craving salt in the morning. For lunch eggs seems to sit the best with me and for dinner it’s usually fish or grass-fed beef with a side of vegetables.

Day #10

Coffee: Official Bulletproof coffee (whole bean)

Butter: Organic Valley Pasture Butter Cultured Lightly Salted (3 Tbsp)

Oil: Living Foods Extra Virgin Raw Coconut Oil (2Tbsp) + MCT Oil (1 Tbsp)

Comments: Bleeding heart chakra again. Drank a glass of wine tonight and woke up feeling horrible. Felt nauseous and dehydrated.

Day #11

Coffee: Official Bulletproof coffee (whole bean)

Butter: Kerrygold Butter Non-Salted (3 Tbsp)

Oil: Living Foods Extra Virgin Raw Coconut Oil (2Tbsp) + MCT Oil (2 Tbsp)

Comments: Prefer salt in my morning BP coffee 100%. Without salt the coffee does not reach its full potential. Notice I sweat more at the gym. Had an IPA tonight and noticed the buzz I typically get comes on slower and not as pronounced. Almost like drinking water with no real benefits.

Day #12

Coffee: Official Bulletproof coffee (whole bean)

Butter: Organic Valley Pasture Butter Cultured Lightly Salted (3 Tbsp)

Oil: Living Foods Extra Virgin Raw Coconut Oil (2Tbsp) + MCT Oil (1 Tbsp)

Comments: Agitated easily to anger this morning. Poor sleep. Very productive around the house. Wine tasting fundraiser in the middle of the day for the firefighters that died in Yarnell. Don’t enjoy the buzz as much as I used on red wine. Dinner: oysters & steak. Stomach a little woozy.

Day #13

Coffee: Official Bulletproof coffee (whole bean)

Butter: Kerrygold Butter Salted (3 Tbsp)

Oil: Living Foods Extra Virgin Raw Coconut Oil (2Tbsp) + MCT Oil (2 Tbsp)

Comments: Too much sodium in the Kerrygold Butter salted version compared to the Organic Valley Pasture Butter. Loaded and unloaded a 27ft u-haul in 100+ weather. Cracked open a Thai coconut and savored the juice. Froze the meat and ate it frozen.

Day #14

Coffee: Official Bulletproof coffee (whole bean)

Butter: Kerrygold Butter Non-Salted (3 Tbsp)

Oil: Living Foods Extra Virgin Raw Coconut Oil (2Tbsp) + MCT Oil (1 Tbsp)

Comments Busy day at work, not stop.

Day #15

Coffee: Official Bulletproof coffee (whole bean) (2.25 tsp ground coffee)

Butter: Kerrygold Butter Salted (3 Tbsp)

Oil: Living Foods Extra Virgin Raw Coconut Oil (2Tbsp) + MCT Oil (2 Tbsp)

Comments: Reduced coffee grounds to determine if I can lessen the leaking heart chakra effects. Ate blueberries after IF preceding my workout. Need to find optimum food/drink to consume after IF and before hitting the gym.

Moving forwards I will post each day in a separate post.

Hickmans Uncooped Eggs

This is a project in the works. It’s an attempt to find the best product (eggs) at a grocery store near you.

Grocer: Sprouts
Cost:$2.99 dozen
Location: Arizona
Packaging: Cardboard

Comments: The eggs look great, your typical brown egg. Note, the egg are not certified organic.

Is is hacker worthy? It’s a good start and a step above the white homogeneous eggs you typically find in the grocery store.
