Leangains/Bulletproof Coffee Challenge: Day #21

Day #21

Coffee: Official Bulletproof coffee (whole bean) (2.3Tbsp ground coffee)

Butter: None

Oils: None

Lunch: 4 scrambled eggs with feta cheese + olives + 1/2 cup cooked red quinoa

Dinner: ground beef spaghetti squash casserole + 1/2 sweet potato+ stick of mozzarella cheese

Supplements: L-glutamine (breakfast) + BCAAs (pre-workout) + 2 protein shakes (post-work and pre-sleep)

Exercise: Squats 40mins

Variants: homemade dark chocolate

Comments: Decided to modify my 30 day challenge and implement Leangain protocols to the experiment. In regards to Bulletproof coffee, I will still partake, but only on rest days (low-fat days). Bulletproof coffee is great, but it seems more applicable to the majority of Americans who don’t have time to hit the gym. If you do have time, you probably won’t receive the same benefits you could due to too much fats in the body at all times. So today was the first true fast day and I noticed a difference at the gym. The BCAA’s make a big difference when fasting. I have taken them in the past and have noticed slight improvements. Its kind of like speed or caffeine. Just make sure you do you research and find a reputable company and buy the pure pharmaceutical grade stuff. I looked all around town and could not find anything worthwhile. Everything has soy lecithin in it. No thanks Monsanto. I narrowed down a few online companies, and will post links when I secure a reputable source of BCAA’s. Entire body was totally exhausted after squat workout today. I think I understand why Leangains recommends only heavy lifting 3 days a week with amble rest days. It is more taxing on your body when you are working out fasted vs. non-fasted. Now, the next big step is figuring out my Leangain macros. No easy task. More coming on that soon.